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Windows screen readers require onClick event listeners on buttons to activate in Browse mode

The background

Recently the company I work for launched changes to it's site top level navigation in an effort to remove a frustrating usability barrier for their keyboard users. Previously for users inside the main navigation landmark we required them to slog through every top level, secondary and tertiary menu item before moving past the navigation and onto the page's main content. A refactor of the navigation was undertaken adding a menu-button interaction to the sub and sub-sub menus making them opt-in.

In our internal accessibility verification testing the interaction worked as expected on Safari/Chrome/Firefox on macOS, but on Windows 11 it was discovered that our Button components were not responding to Enter key presses. The NVDA user was required to enter Focus (or Forms mode in JAWS) mode by using Ctrl/Shift+Enter in order to operate the button and open the menu. Not understanding fully why this was happening at the time an assumption was made that perhaps Windows screen reader users expected to have to manually invoke Forms/Focus mode to operate some buttons.

External user testing with a screen reader user totally invalidated this assumption and confirmed we had a major problem. The user was on Windows 11 using a latest (at the time of writing) build of NVDA. During testing our user was asked to navigate to a menu item fairly deep inside the menu. They'd have to operate the menu button and then down and into the menu itself to complete the task. When the menu-button received reading focus they attempted to operate with the raw--as in with no modifier--Enter key and heard no feedback. They gave us the benefit of the doubt and assumed the menu had opened and that simply the state wasn't being communicated via ARIA, but that wasn't the case. The menu was not opening since the keypress wasn't being registered.

The problem or: it's a feature not a bug but also there's a bug

The culprit it seems* was our code (isn't that always the case? :)). Or more specifically a combination of default Windows screen reader behavior and our JavaScript Button's lack of a onClick event handler. Windows screen readers are modal selectively passing some commands through to the browser and intercepting others for reader specific actions. Which ones they intercept and pass through depends on the mode. Here's an excellent primer on the behavior i'm hinting at by Léonie Watson, but to summarize the issue: while in Browse mode NVDA is registering the Enter key press and looking for an 'onClick' event listener to subsequently pass a click event to, but ours didn't have one--the developer had opted for an onKeyDown event listener instead for some reason--and so logically nothing was happening. Swapping the onKeyDown event for an onClick fixed the bug.

The reason the action could still be performed with the Ctrl modifier plus Enter is because adding the modifier forces the screen reader into Focus/Forms mode (for NVDA/JAWS respectively) which passes all keypresses onto the browser. Think of this mode like typing a paragraph or two into a textbox. You wouldn't want an Enter keypress to send the form off to the server. You probably want a newline and to be able to continue typing.

There is way more depth and nuance to how these modes interplay and when they are and aren't activated I wont detail here, but here's some further reading by the ADG that describes those interactions much more in depth as well as the distinction between basic and complex interactions which you need to wrap your head around if you're going to fully conceptualize what's going on here.

Moving forward all Button components will require an onClick event listener by default.

* a user in this Github thread suggests that the developer could utilize role="application" to have all keypresses passed through like Focus or Forms mode, but this is a pretty bad idea because while it would fix the bug, any and all other keyboard functionality would have to be fully re-implemented in JavaScript--for example tabbing between interactive elements inside the role="application" container.


Windows screen readers send a synthetic click event to the browser to activate buttons. They do not send a keypress of anykind by default (but will in Forms/Focus mode). So if your button doesn’t have an onClick event listener it will be essentially inoperable. This differs from macOS screen reader which send both events. The reason this is interesting is because it seems to be completely undocumented behavior. there are likely countless buttons in JS and non-JS based websites all over the web that are totally inaccessible to Windows screen reader users for this exact reason.